Suitcase Stories – Project Symposium, 2020
This is an online symposium of Suitcase Stories, a health and well-being project which took place in Worcestershire and was led in partnership between Museums Worcestershire and Arts Uplift CIC. The project worked with people living with dementia and their carers in 133 sessions which encouraged participation and reminiscence through museum objects and live music.
The symposium is split into five sections, covering
- an introduction to the project
- the suitcases of museum objects
- the musicians involved
- experiences of participants (both a service user and care home staff)
- evaluation and findings
How to view this symposium
Watch the speakers in the videos here, and download the full project report at the end of the page. At the end of each video, the next one will be suggested in the ‘Watch next’ section.
Join our Suitcase Stories live Q&A session on Tuesday 29 September 2020 10:30am – 12pm. Email Jenny Davis ( to register your interest and receive the Zoom meeting details.
Introduction to the project
An introduction to the Suitcase Stories project from Gemma Dhami, Learning Manager at Museums Worcestershire.
The Suitcases
Su Vale from Museums Worcestershire talks through the items provided in the sessions.
Project Musicians
Heather Wastie, one of the musicians involved with the Suitcase Stories project, speaks about her experiences.
Tristan Jackson-Pate, one of the musicians involved with the Suitcase Stories project, speaks about his experiences.
Deborah Rose, another musician who helped facilitate the Suitcase Stories project, speaks about her experiences.
Suitcase Stories Playlist
Hear the songs created as part of the Suitcase Stories project in the playlist (songs are the second video onwards, after a video introduction to the project).
Project Participants
Ray Boswell shares the impact of participating in the project with his wife Jean.
Emma Williams discusses her perspective as a staff member at a participating care home.
Q & A session
Thank you, we hope you have enjoyed this symposium on the Suitcase Stories project.
All photos courtesy of Arts Uplift CIC.
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