Box of Victorian childhood inspired artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom
- Metal Money Box
- Story Book
- Wooden Battledore- for use with feather shuttlecock
- Tin Mug
- Photocopy of ‘Child’s Own Magazine’
- Wooden box with counters and cowrie shells for counting
- Doll’s linen shirt
- Dolls House Hot Water Can
- Nursery Tea Plate
- Marbles in bag
- Child’s Knife
- Miniature glass ink standish
- Seven Snap cards
- Five Word/Picture Game cards
- Bone Die
- Wooden Dutch Doll
- Two Wooden Noah’s Ark animals
- Cup and ball (replica)
- Book – History of Britain Victorian Children
- Lawn Bodice
- Cotton Bodice
- Cotton Petticoat
- Flannel Petticoat
- Pinafore
- Chemisette
- Cotton Nightgowns
- Cap
- Baby’s gown
- Child’s dress
Find the latest price list on our main Loans Boxes page.
To book a loans box contact Su Vale, our Learning Co-Ordinator on or phone 01299 250416.
Key topics – Victorian, children, costume, toys

Contents of the Victorian Childhood Loans Box