A selection of objects relating to Florence Nightingale, for use in the classroom to aid learning.
- Writing box
- Crimean medal
- Lantern
- Apron
- Day cap – original c 1860
- Day cap – replica can be tried on
- Owl model
- Feeding cup
- Hair pins
- Victorian letter seal and sealing wax
- Travelling ink well
- Huckaback towel
- Scrubbing brush
- Carbolic soap
- Role play paddles
- Scutari sash
- Handkerchief
- Medicine bottle
- Marrow scoop
- Dr Nelson’s improved inhaler
- Postcard – The Great Military Hospital at Scutari 1855
- Notes on Nursing – what it is and what it is not Florence Nightingale
- Resource pack
- Cotton Print Dress (originally worn as a wedding dress)
- Pair of stockings (cotton with silk ankles)
- Paisley shawl
- Stocking purse
- Ladies Day Cap (Mid 19th Century)
Find the latest price list on our main Loans Boxes page.
To book a loans box contact Su Vale, our Learning Co-Ordinator on museum@worcestershire.gov.uk or phone 01299 250416.
Key topics – Famous people, nursing, health, medicine, costume, Victorian

An example of contents from the loans box