Box of Timeless Toys artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom
- Archie Acrobat
- Jacob’s Ladder
- Skipping rope
- Wooden Yo-yo
- Wooden cup and ball
- Jumping Jack
- Bag of marbles
- 1 whip and 2 tops
- Happy Families card game
- Box of Dominos
- Box of Pick up sticks
- Kaleidoscope
- Small Teddy Bear and small doll
- Wooden jungle animals puzzle box
- Tin clockwork toy – Bugatti racer (for display only)
Find the latest price list on our main Loans Boxes page.
To book a loans box contact Su Vale, our Learning Co-Ordinator on or phone 01299 250416.
Key topics – Toys, children, old/new

Contents of the Timeless Toys Loans Box