Roleplay Activity

Key Stages 1 and 2

Approx. 30 children

County Museum at Hartlebury

Activity – £70 per half day, £130 per full day plus £3.25 per child admission.

The Scullery at Hartlebury has been created for children to experience a day in the life of a Wartime child. Housewife Dolly Tubb, will lead the activities
Children should arrive suitably attired with their gas mask boxes. The room is equipped with a variety of make-do-and-mend items to give a real flavour of the period.

Once the children have found out about life during the Second World War they can take part in a series of hands-on activities including finding out about ration food and tasks for children around the home. These activities give the children an opportunity to learn and develop new skills.

For more information or to discuss a booking please contact Su Vale on 01299 250416 or e-mail

Second World War, Evacuee, evacuation, rations/rationing, identity cards, gas mask,